
Upcoming events

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Past events

  • Bibliotheek Theater / Hoogstraat 110, 3011 PV Rotterdam
  • WORM / Boomgaardsstraat 71, 3012 XA Rotterdam
  • Tickets pre-sale: €5/ door: €6. For those of you with smaller wallets, there is a limited guestlist! Send us an email and we'll help you enter.
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  • Theater Rotterdam / Schouwburgplein 25
  • Tickets €5
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  • Batavierhuis / Pieter de Hoochweg 108, 3024 BH Rotterdam
  • For those of you with smaller wallets, there is a limited guestlist! Send us an email ( and we'll help you enter.
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  • Grounds / Pieter de Hoochweg 125, 3024 BG Rotterdam
  • More info
  • Wijkpaleis /
  • New Grounds / 's Gravendijkwal 58-b, Rotterdam
  • Theater Rotterdam / Schouwburgplein 25
  • Batavierhuis / Pieter de Hoochweg 108
  • More info